Sleep Apnea Treatment

Effective Sleep Apnea Treatment in Jeffersonville

Do you snore loudly at night? Do you regularly wake up feeling unrested? If so, you may be one of the millions of Americans that suffer from sleep apnea. Although sleep apnea is a potentially severe sleep disorder, our Jeffersonville dental office has the experience and skills to improve your well-being and help you get the rest you deserve.

We've provided quality sleep apnea treatments to Jeffersonville, Collegeville, Norristown, and King of Prussia residents for years. Our treatment focuses on addressing its root cause and not simply masking it. If you're looking for an effective and practical solution for your sleep apnea, contact Leading Dental Solutions Jeffersonville to schedule your next appointment!


What is Sleep Apnea?

sleep apnea treatment in jeffersonville, PAIt's estimated that 1 in 15 adults deal with sleep apnea. Additionally, 80% of those individuals are undiagnosed. To effectively treat sleep apnea, you must understand its causes. Our Jeffersonville dentists, Dr. David Kaffey and Dr. Rachel Lewin are passionate about helping you understand the characteristics of sleep apnea.

Simply put, sleep apnea is when you repeatedly stop and start breathing when you're sleeping. The most common form is obstructive sleep apnea, where the muscles that support your tongue and soft palate relax. When the muscles relax, it narrows your airway and causes breathing to stop for short periods at a time.

The Risks of Untreated Sleep Apnea

Although avoidable with proper treatment, unchecked sleep apnea can have a significant impact on your overall well-being. However, you may not consciously recognize the pauses in your breathing during sleep, which can happen hundreds of times throughout the night, they can worsen existing health conditions or lead to their development, including:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Glaucoma
  • Asthma
  • Liver disease

While sleep apnea can occur during any age, there are certain risk factors, including obesity, tobacco use, genetics, and gender. No matter how long you've been dealing with sleep apnea or its severity, our Jeffersonville office has the experience and resources to avoid potential health complications.

Our Process for Treatment

Our sleep apnea treatment begins with an initial exam with one of our Jeffersonville dentists. During this time, they'll ask you questions about your medical history, including any medications you're taking. Additionally, we'll have you fill out a comprehensive questionnaire covering everything from your current sleep habits to family health problems.

If our dentist thinks there's a problem, we'll refer you to a trusted local sleep study doctor. We'll also help you with any billing between our office and the sleep study doctor.

Appliance Creation

close up of oral sleep appliance for treating sleep apneaAt Leading Dental Solutions Jeffersonville, our sleep apnea treatment centers around oral appliance therapy. This treatment is used for patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea and involves using oral appliances to help keep your airway unobstructed during sleep. If you're looking for a minimally invasive and simple way to treat your sleep apnea, an oral appliance may be the perfect solution for you. Once the results of your sleep study come in, we'll have a better understanding of the nature and extent of your sleep apnea. Depending on your individual needs, we offer various solutions, including TAP® 3 Elite mouthpieces and SomnoDent® oral sleep appliances. All our appliances are custom-made for a comfortable and snug fit.

  • TAP® 3 Elite mouthpieces are two-piece appliances that fit comfortably over your upper and lower teeth. They are similar in appearance to a sports guard or retainer. It treats sleep apnea by keeping your jaw forward to prevent the throat's soft tissues from collapsing. The appliance can be adjusted to change the degree of jaw correction.
  • SomnoDent® oral sleep appliances also rely on upper and lower mouth guards. They treat sleep apnea by keeping your jaw forward and preventing sleep complications. Additionally, SomnoDent features adjustable screws that allow you to change how far you'd like your jaw to extend.

Sleep Apnea FAQs

It's normal to feel nervous about sleep apnea. Our Jeffersonville dentists are here to answer your questions and help you feel more confident and comfortable about your treatment options. Some of the common questions we receive include:

How long does it take to get used to my appliance?
The time it takes to get used to your appliance can vary. Some patients take to it immediately, while others may take repeated use to get comfortable with it.

Do oral appliances last a long time?
With proper care, like consistent cleaning, your appliance can last many years. Additionally, we can repair your appliance periodically to extend its functionality.

Your Trusted Place for Sleep Apnea Treatment in Jeffersonville

At Leading Dental Solutions Jeffersonville, we're passionate about improving our patients' quality of life through effective and practical sleep apnea treatment. A restful night's sleep and better health are only a visit away. Contact our Jeffersonville dental office to schedule your appointment today!


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